Sunday, January 1, 2012

Kittah-less New Year

We start out 2012 with no foster kittens. I took Twinkle, Georgina and Ziggy back to the shelter on Friday. For the last few days, we had been letting them out for hours at a time, to run the house. They took full advantage of it.

Only Twinkle actually climbed the tree...but she didn't do any damage. They other two only batted at the low hanging ornaments. They did like to play amongst the gifts though. I only caught Ziggy actually trying to get into one of them.

Twinkle wants to be someone's Christmas gift

Twinkle plays hide and seek
Georgina is searching for a hiding Twinkle
"I know Twinkle is here somewhere"
All three of these guys were fine with Bentley, and the other cats, although Twinkle would initially freak out when I opened the door, and Bentley would come in. She would run and hide, but then come out and walk right up to him.
Can only get a photo of Ziggy when you
hold him. He never sits still long enough

We really miss these guys. Normally I am happy to send of each batch of kittens, but as these guys might be the last of them for the year, I am a little sad. I am happy they will have new forever homes though. They are all 3 nice kittens, and someone will be very lucky to have them.

Now that the room is kitten free, we will take the time to sand the floor and refinish it so it will be easier to clean up, and have a harder surface that will be better able to handle the "kitten abuse."

Check back in in a few weeks. Ya never know when there might be more kittens. The whole idea that there is a kitten season has kinda gone the way of the dodo! Kittens in the winter...ay yi yi!