Noah is still lethargic this morning, so I made him a vet appointment at 3:00 this afternoon. Everyone else seems to be OK, although Sully has some buggery goop in his eyes. I have some antibiotic ointment for his eyes if that continues. Still some soft stool in there. Some of it was even in the litter box. I think I need to add a box. They don't like to use it unless it's "fresh" and I can't just sit there with the scooper in hand all day, waiting to clean up after each use!
It's funny to see the kittens reaction to Bentley. Bentley is about a year and a half, and he wants to play with the itty bitties so bad. He will lay on his side at the door, and lick the gap under the doorway. The kittens are no longer afraid of him. He sticks his head in very tentatively at first, and when the hissing stops, he will walk right in, and they will walk right up to him and check him out. It's good they are not afraid, because if they run, he will chase.
If we don't pull the door to the kitty room tight, it won't latch. Bishop is always trying to get in the kitty room, and one time we left the house, and the door was evidentially not latched. I think Bishop broke 'em out. (The photo is Bishop playing mommy to Mimi and Minnie.) We have a baby gate at the bottom of the stairs, so Bentley was not able to go up stairs. Of course, it doesn't keep the babies from going down stairs. I came home and everything seemed fine...then I saw a small pile of poop in the dining room floor. I was puzzled, as our cats are very well trained to the litter boxes. Then I heard a sneeze. I looked up about that time, and here comes a kitten out from under the sofa! Well, I grabbed him up, along with the others, and took 'em back to their room. I was a little freaked out, but now I am less worried that Bentley would cause them any harm.