The itty bitties got a new "toy" this week. I hung the hammock up on the blue chair. They seemed to enjoy playing on it. They have become quite the jumpers lately, and I have to make sure I keep everything I want to keep intact at least on the 3rd shelf in the kitty room. (Like I neglected to do with their paperwork earlier this week.)
Everyone checks out the new hammock.
Sage and Halicy check out the bunk beds.
They are closing in on weight, but I don't think they will make it this week. The little ones are stalled. I think we have about 4+ ozs to go for Halicy, Dot and Sage. Kelsey and Hogan are well past the weight, so I may split the team up, and get them in before the crowd of kittens that are bound to show up soon. I don't have any real worries that any of these guys will linger at the shelter. They are just too cute. See what I mean?
Hogan is too cute for his own good.
More Cuteness.
Halicy battles it out with the cardboard paper towel tube.
Dot and Halicy work to untie the hammock.
Dot takes a go at it again.
Sage is getting tired.
But not too tired for a close-up.
Time for the Kelsey Show!
Kelsey is bored with that idea.
So she watches from her new perch.