Inspector feels well enough to bathe.
When I came home today I was greeted with a huge amount of very watery vomit on the office floor. Wasn't sure who the culprit was, but about 30 minutes after I cleaned it up, I heard retching behind me. I turned in time to see Aruba unleash a stream of very watery vomit. About 10 minutes after cleaning that up, she was happily playing with her sister, looking completely fine.

Some hammock play.
And 30 minutes later, they were done!

Serious tortie crash!
Belize is still the least scared. It looks like she will be a talker. Sometimes she wakes up from a nap, and cries! I kept thinking she was in pain, but no. Just looking for attention. Of course, when they hear the cry, all the others come running to see what's happening.

Belize is the fleecy string champion.

Jamaica joins in on the fleecy fun.
Of course, they all need serious socialization, but it's hard to give them all enough time, especially when one (or more) is sick. Inspector got a lot of attention yesterday, but I made some time to hold all of them today. I need to get my friends over to help!

Gadget makes a rare appearance.