I don't even remember who was next. It seems like the never ending stream of kittens just has been going on forever. This little guy and his 2 siblings were too young for solids. Affectionately known as "bottle babies," these guys came to work with me. This was when I still had my shop on Wilson Blvd. This is Petey. I was trying to upload his brothers, but it keeps crashing, so Petey it is. This group was Petey, Bear and ....crap. Again, long time ago!
Right around this litter, I was at the vet for something with the little guys, and I met a woman that does wildlife rescue. We chatted about the babies, and she told me she was writing a children's book, and was going to need some color copies. Being a printer, I of course said I could help her and gave her my card.
A few weeks later she did show up an we made some copies for her...then, a few weeks after that, I got a call from her. She said, "I know you do foster care for kittens, and my friend found a kitten all by itself at a construction site in Georgetown. Will you take it?" Well, sucker that I am, I said sure. I planned to take it to the shelter, and get it into the foster program, but there were so many cats there already, and since she was a single, I decided to keep her. That would be Ripley. She is still here, a permanant resident.