It's a sad day here today. We lost Noah yesterday.
I took him to the vet, as he was very lethargic, and not eating, and he was anemic.
He never came back home with me.
This is the hard part of fostering. Yeah, I have been up in the middle of the night, bottle feeding babies, sitting in a steamy bathroom, trying to help clear up extremely congested itty bitty kitty heads, and I have scrubbed poop off of floors. None of that is hard compared to losing one of my little charges.
I will continue to foster kittens anyway. Why? Because there are still 4 kittens here that need the help. And there will me more waiting to come here when these guys go back and get adopted. I always try to look at the positive aspect of this "job." I have fostered over 80 kittens in the last 3 and a half years, and all of them were adopted except for the 12 that never made it that far, one that was mysteriously stricken with some illness, and was lost after she was put on view, and one that had a heart defect, and died at one year old.
These are their photos.