Jamaica strikes a pose.

Belize and Aruba wake up from a nap.
A couple of day after the hissy fits arrived, I got a call that the shelter had 2 more that were about the same size, also semi-feral, and could I take 2 more. I picked up Inspector and Gadget on Wednesday. Inspector wasn't too bad. Tolerated holding, and didn't struggle much. Gadget wanted nothing to do with it!


Inspector likes to put a paw in the water bowl while he drinks.
Friday, I realized Inspector was ill. I gave him 2 doses of subQ fluids, and forced some Nutri-cal into him. (He didn't care much for it). Saturday, I made an appointment, and took them all in, since I had been hearing all 5 of them sneezing. (I started them all on lysine on Friday). Inspector was still a bit dehydrated, and not eating. He was put on Clavamox, and given more fluids, and force fed some AD cat food.
Today, I have heard very little sneezing, and Inspector is eating, and seems to be feeling better. Looks like we dodged a bullet with all of them. (Fingers crossed)

Chow time!
This coming week, we give a full court press to Gadget. He is too cute to be feral!

The elusive Gadget.