Belize is ready for weigh in.
The 3 girls are much better as far as socialization goes. Belize cry for attention, and puts her paws on my back when I am not paying attention to her. The twin torties are not quite there, but they loved to be rubbed. Both will purr like mad when I brush or rub them, but they are still afraid initially when I reach for them.

Aruba enjoying the new toy.
The boys are a harder sell. Poor Inspector had antibiotics and Metro to take, so he just closes his eyes and rolls up in a ball when I pick him up. Working on just petting them now, and not even picking them up unless it's for weights. It can be a painfully slow process, but they are all making progress.

Inspector is ready to get in the bowl, unless I want him there!
Other than that, they are doing well, and love to play together. Gadget is quite a bit smaller than the rest, so he tends to get beat up a bit when they play, but he stays in the fray. He likes to snuggle with Jamaica when it's nap time, but always keeps a wary eye on me.

Everyone loves the door for some reason.

Everyone can get up on my desk now, and Aruba poses.
All in all, they are doing well. I will have them for another month, so that should give me enough time to get them all people friendly.