Angela is doing great. I was worried to let her run the upstairs with the rest of them, afraid I would never be able to catch her, but she has been fine. When all the others go back in their room for dinner, she just comes out, ready to go backwith the rest of them.
They have already asked me at the shelter if I can take another litter immediately. Of course, I would feel terribly guilty if I didn't take the next batch. Knowing there are kittens in need, I just can't say no. The volunteer coordinator told me she would have cried if I had said no.
If you want to really help, let me know if you are local to the DC metro area, and I will tell you how to find these little guys. They need homes!

Jim smacks the lizard, while Angela looks bored.

Angela gets the lizard.

Pam gets her turn.

Dwight goes all Catzilla on Jim.

Angela hides, unsuccessfully.