
Mama came out for some skritchy scratches, and the babies looked huge to me. I let them run a bit, then loaded them up and took them over. I tried to get some final photos of all of them, but Gwen kept hiding behind mama, or running past me before I could get one. Got a good one of mama though, which is good. Maybe she is a little less shy.

They are all very sweet, and I hope they get adopted quickly...but there are a lot of kittens. I took a look at the website yesterday from the beach, and I saw Sully was still there! I can't believe it! He is one of the prettiest kittens we ever had! I found out he was in sick bay for a while with a URI, but I gotta tell you, if you want a great cat, go get him quick! He is a great little guy, and he is not afraid of anything. Just ignore the picture on the website. It is terrible!
Tomorrow I go pick up 5 or 6 more. Seems they have over 40 kittens in need of foster care, and no homes to send them too. : (
If you have a little room in your home, and are interested in fostering, let me know and I will put you in touch with someone who can get you started. It really is a great feeling when you get them all grown up, and healthy enough to be adopted.