Bosley leaping off the coffee table.
Since that visit, we had yet another blizzard here in the DC Metro area. We got 20" on Friday and Saturday, then on Monday we got 10 more inches! It was a mess, to say the least. We will probably lose most of the plantings we added last spring/summer, and I noticed yesterday the 16 year old japanese maple had at least 2 broken branches. I hope we don't lose it. The snow is still knee deep here, and they are calling for more now on Monday!

Blizzard in action.
Digging out.
I spoke to Dr. Brown on Friday. I told him what I was seeing, and what I thought, and he told me what he thought and asked me questions. What we decided was to go ahead with the fluoroscopy. He was going to have Dr. Fernandez set it up. They said they could do it on fairly short notice, so they could get it when he was having a bad day. I am excited, and nervous to have it done. If there is no hernia, or nothing besides the megaesophagus, then what? I don't want to think about it.

Boz tries to get my attention.

He wants to see what's so interesting.
But, on a more positive note, Bosley has become a regular part of the family. He eats with the others, sleeps with the others, and doesn't get put in a room by himself anymore when we aren't home. He is fully integrated.

All the kitties watching the birds out the front window.
I will keep you posted as to when they do the fluoroscopy and what they see.