Boz catching some Z's and some rays.

Boz tears it up, sharpening his claws.

Bosley can't hide from the bath!
Took a trip up to Gettysburg last weekend. We didn't have a house sitter, so we took Bentley and Bosley with us. The "bigger" cats were OK on their own for one night, but I still give a little extra attention to the Boz man, so there was no way I would leave him on his own!

Bosley made sure to lay down close to his dog.
He seemed to enjoy it. He has never been afraid of much, and ran around, checking the place out with his tail high in the air! He spend the last 20 minutes or so before we went to bed running up and down the hall between the living room and the bed room, wide open! He even got Bentley going. Maybe having Bentley there helped him adjust. He does love his dog.
We did a bit of driving around on Sunday, and took some fun photos.

I think I could afford this place!

Nice covered bridge near the battlefields.

Inside the bridge.

One of the many statues in Gettysburg.