Boz had a bad day last week, so I scheduled him for yet another vet appointment, along with Shaggy who had blood in his urine. Now, blood in the stool is pretty common, but I know better than to mess with blood in the urine, especially with a male cat. Blocked urethras can kill a cat in short order, so even though Shaggy was acting perfectly normal, he was going to see the vet.

Shaggy just got his face all cleaned off 3 days ago. Not that you can tell.
I got the carrier out, and opened the door and set it on the floor. I went to the other side of the room, grabbed Shaggy and Boz, and put them in the carrier. I went out the door, making sure not to let Scooby out of the room. I didn't see him, so off we went. The boys were pretty quiet, and I was just thinking about all the stuff I had to do, and how little time I really had to be running kittens to the vet, and dealing with Boz and his stomach issues. He really is high maintenance, STILL wanting a bottle, and getting it since he doesn't eat much solid food. So, I get to the vet, and reach over to pick up the carrier and I see not one, but two orange faces! All 3 of them were there! I guess Scooby went in when I sat the carrier down in the floor, and I never saw him. He got a field trip.

Shaggy says, "The vet is going to put that thermometer where??"

Scooby had a field trip, but is no worse for wear.
The vet gave Shaggy a shot of penicillin, and some albon since he was still having loose stool. (Scooby is back to normal on that end.) Then we got to Boz. The vet is stumped on what his issues are. Could be congenital, and if so, he COULD out grow it. He is definitely better than he was when he was really small, and he is growing...slowly. The vet says he is in good shape, other than being really small. Let's all keep our fingers and paws crossed that Boz does outgrow whatever this is. The vet gave me another vial of medicine and more syringes and needles. I have only used it once since his visit. He has been eating pretty well since, and I am going to TRY to wean him off the bottle. I may have to get some different food. He likes the really smooth stuff.

Boz is still pretty small. He is on a quart can of paint.
Now I am on my way home from the vet, again thinking about all the work I need to do when I get home, and my phone rings. It's the shelter. "I have a kitten here, who is pretty small, but seems to be weaned. He had a really bad eye infection, but the vet says he still has an eye in there, and we cleaned him up...but he needs a foster home..." Silence. All I can think of is how busy I am, and how much I DON'T have time for another high maintenance foster kitten. Then I said OK, and promptly turned around to go to the shelter to pick him up.

Meet Elf.
He was named "Elf" by the shelter staff, and I suppose for now that's good enough. He is pretty timid, but he will get better. I have to give him antibiotics 2 times a day, and eye drops and eye "goop" 3 times each each day. He is not happy to see me coming just yet! His eye does not look good, and he may still lose it, but don't feel sorry for Elf Man. He doesn't let that stop him. He will pounce on the bigger kittens without a second thought. He plays, and hops and does his kitty posturing all the time, and except for when I am sticking something in his mouth or eye, he is a happy little guy. He has already gained 2 ounces. I think he may pass Boz in a few weeks.

Elf take a cheap shot on Bosley.

You can see how bad Elf Man's eye is here, but the vet is hopeful it will heal.