Buck was at it again, with the bathing. Bosley is not happy about it, but there are worse things! He seems like he is well loved in this house.

Buck! I need to answer my phone!
Buck loves Boz, and Boz loves...Bentley. We came around the corner to find this picture! It was too cute to ignore. Unfortunately, the battery was about dead in the camera, so we only managed one shot.

Bosley snuggles up to Bentley.

Something catches the boy's attention in the yard.
Other than that, Boz spends a lot of time snoozing in the sunbeam. He got his ears cleaned out today. He wasn't too thrilled about that, but he has been shaking his head a lot lately, and we have a bottle of ear cleaner, so we will be cleaning them out, and treating for mites for a week. I don't think he has them, but better safe than sorry.

Not happy about the ear cleaning.