Boz snoozes on a pillow.
We still have some vomiting, but he is growing! I know he will never be a normal sized cat, which is OK. He gets along just fine. He can leap onto tall stools in a single bound! We were able to remove his "box" from in front of the counter, because he can jump onto the stool without it. He has gotten quite daring with his leaping skills. He jumps from the top of the kitty condo, down to the sofa! Even the big cats don't do that. I haven't weighed him recently, but I am pretty sure he is over 3lbs now.

Ripley sleeps in her favorite warm spot.

Bosley is about to leap off the top of the kitty condo.

Bosley tries to figure out how he got himself in this predicament!

Finally Buck leave so Boz can get down.
He still loves to hang out on the deck. He loves the sun, and is content to be where we are. If we go in, he stands at the door and waits to be let in. I wish Bishop was like that. If he gets out, he makes a bee line to the fence! He doesn't go far, and waits for us to come get him, but we are very careful to keep an eye on him when we go in and out.