Gadget LOVES Bosley.
Sometimes Bosley will engage him. I guess it's nice for Bosley to have someone to play with that he is actually bigger than. (Not much bigger though.)

Game on!
Gadget still takes a minute to warm up when I go into the office, but once I pick him up, or pet him, he starts to purr right away. He is gonna be fine. He likes to play, and loves the feather, and my shoe strings! When he plays, he forgets to be afraid, and lets me pet him without cowering. He really is a sweet little boy. He is going back Monday, and I will miss him. (Yes, I miss them all).

Gadget plays with the feather.

Bosley and Gadget share a snack.
Gadget has to go back Monday to make room for the rapidly growing Whos. They are residing in the guest room right now (the former kitty room) but since I am having a guest arriving on Thursday, I need to move them over into my office. The office needs a good scrub down first. Don't want to pass anything on to the Who family.

The Whos nest.
So, as you can see, the Whos eyes are now open, except for one. I have been gently cleaning the eyes of the babies, since they have been a little crusty, but this little one just seems to be a little behind on the eye opening department. On the weight gain department, he is doing just fine. Everyone is gaining daily, so no worries there. I have been giving Cindy Lou lysine for the last few days, and hopefully that will take care of the babies too.
When I was taking the babies out to weigh them and clean their eyes, Cindy Lou was not too happy with me. They squeal and she gets very concerned. I put one back in the nest and go to get another, and Cindy Lou would grab my hand. She was gentle, didn't even scratch, but she was not happy with me and she was letting me know.
I also decided on names! Here they are...the Whos!

Meet Martha May Whovier.

Meet Sargent Who-lihand

Meet Mayor Augustus Maywho

Meet Betty Lou Who
