The Homies are all doing well. My straggler is Sage, who just isn't really gaining weight. I have decided to get them all on another round of Panacure, so hopefully, she will surge, and all will go back to the shelter in time for the next spay day on tuesday. They are going to have to go back this coming week, because we are going away for the weekend, so come on Sage! Get with the program!

Sage is stubborn, but is a sweetie.
Other than Sages lag in weight gain, all are happy and healthy. Quite a few people have checked out the blog recently, and more than one person has expressed an interest in Hogan. He is a beautiful kitten, for sure, but don't discount the cuteness of the other 4. Sage and Halicy have the greatest personalities, Kelsey is a wild one, and Dot is happy to sit in you lap as long as you will stay there. I am sure they will all find great homes too. Who can resist?

Sage, Dot and Kelsey hang out in the hammock.

Looking innocent...

Looking for trouble!

The Kelsey Show, staring, Kelsey! She found the "bucket" in the kitty condo.

Look at Hogan prance.

He's too sexy for this room...

Bentley wants to see the itty bitties.

Hogan asks Halicy if she saw what was under that door.

Bentley startles Halicy. "Weren't you just behind door number 2?

Dot says, "Don't you want to take me home?"