They have all decided they like to run the hallway. Because these guys are so good with the litterbox, I feel a lot better about letting them play with a bit less supervision. What I mean by that is I leave my bedroom door open while they run the hall, so they can go from bathroom to bedroom at full speed. of course, it's hard to "keep them down on the farm" now that they have discovered there is more space to explore! They cry and cry to come out when they hear someone come upstairs.
By far their newest fun game is checking out their reflection in the mirror. Mikey discovered it behind the bedroom door, so I sat it down sideways in the hall and watched the antics.

Mikey finds the mirror behind the bedroom door.

Jim shows that mirror cat who's boss.

Then he has a word with Buck...from the back side.

Dwight proceeds with caution

Pam checks her makeup.

Then she checks out the crock.
Jim is much less skittish these days, and Pam has decided she loves attention. They both come running now when I enter the room, and although Jim is still not happy about being held, he loves attention. Pam is almost as eager to climb up on my lap as Dwight and Mikey, and Jim will come up too, but not quite as readily. He will definitely get past it. They have plenty of time left here,since the average weight is 1 lb, 6 oz.