Too cute to be afraid.
Bosley has taken to leaping over the framed poster that I have blocking the door into my office, and hanging with the boys. He will engage them sometimes, but they really are very interested in him. Gadget gets much more bold when Boz is in there. He is less worried about me than he is getting close to Bosley.
Boz plays with Gadget
I figure I have a a few more days to try to get Gadget less afraid. They are supposed to go back Monday. Would not have any problem keeping them both another week, but I got a call today...Picked up a mamma and 4 babies. The babies are about 3 days old. They are now residing in the old kitty room, which is now the guest room. I don't want to keep them there for too long, but they can't move into the office until the boys are gone, and I clean the place up.
I don't have any pictures yet, but I will plan to take a bunch tomorrow. I will do my best to get them up by the weekend. In the meantime, enjoy the movies!