The Homies are all doing fine. I spent a lot of time with them this evening, brushing Sierra, and just hanging out with them. Joy has been spending more time with them than I have, since I seemed to have had my hands full with the Rockets, so it was nice to get a good 45 minutes in there with them. They are getting personalities now, for sure. Sage spent most of the time hanging off of my shirt, even after they all figured out I no longer had a bottle. Kelsey and Hogan were eating canned food, straight out of the can, no formula mixed in with it. Sierra is doing a good job weaning them.

3 for Play.




Dot and Hogan. Dot looks like something out of the movie Beatlejuice with that tongue hanging out.
I think I was a bit overwhelmed with all the kittens, but I do miss Arnie and Caddo. I hope they are sleeping well tonight.