The little ones are real Hell raisers. Rowdy would be a good name for any one of them! I sit down, one has latched on to the hem of my shirt, and is pulling like dog playing tug-o-war. Another is sitting in the bowl of the scale, chewing on the edges. The other is on top of the carrier, biting the handle! It is madness! Mama on the other hand, just sits in the corner on her bed, taking it all in.
It didn't take them long to perfect the the door rush either. As soon as they hear it, they all come running. Even Mama gets up and takes a look.
Mama doesn't have any milk to speak of. I have been mixing KMR and pouring it in the food bowl, and they all love it, even mama. It is fine for nursing mama's anyway, and she needs to gain some weight. The vet said maybe we should separate her from the babies, because it may be stressing her. I will see how it goes today.