She is a very dark tortie, and she doesn't interact much with the Workers. She found a hiding place, and stayed there most of the time.

The good thing is, she is highly motivated by food. I picked her up the first evening, and held her for a minute, then as I released her, she made her way to the food bowl. When the workers came near, she growled at them, and they left her alone. That's probably the reason they took a long time to warm up to her.

She has been here almost 4 whole days, and I am happy to report, she is warming up. She still hides, but no hissing when I pick her up, and she actually purrs now when I hold her and scratch her ears. she won't stay too long, but I think it's huge progress. She has started to play with the Workers, if they come in her "space", but they are way more active than she is.

Jim has really blossomed in the last week or so. He loves to get attention, and seeks me out to give him a head rub. He has come a long way from the little scaredy cat he was.

I think everyone will be to weight by Monday, so they may go back to the spay/neuter clinic on Tuesday morning. I will miss these little guys, for sure. I heard a rumor that the shelter was full, so they may want me to keep them another week. We shall see.

Pam peers down from the kitty condo

Dwight cleans his toes...

Sneak attack by Michael.

Dwight fights back with a chomp to the ear.

Someone turned the vacuum on downstairs.