Sabrina with the spring toy

Alex gets her turn
Sabrina and Alex are fine. Had some friends over Saturday to visit, and they all got some attention. They loved how Alex and Sabrina were content to sit and be held. They were laughing at the antics of Dylan as I brushed her.

Dylan is all chill after a brushing
The screamers are less loud these days. I guess they know they will get some food when they are hungry, so they have toned it down. I am still concerned that Bosley isn't eating enough, although we have a system now that gets food in his belly. He has lost weight since he has been here. Shaggy and Scooby have passed him. I think I may have to take him in too. He also needs a bath, from all the KMR he has dripped on him. His stools are a gelatinous mix, which is not normal.

Bosley snuggles with Shaggy...

...and Scooby

A Bosley Sandwich

It's an orange kitty smackdown!
On a happier note, the screamers are about ready to graduate to a larger area, and a litter pan. They no longer need my help in passing urine or stool. Plus, they like to get out of their crate and explore a little now. They are starting to act like kittens, which is fun to watch.
Hopefully we can start working on sampling some solid food soon.