Sabrina peeps
Enter, the screamers! Now the little grey one is quiet. (I think it's a boy, but honestly, I have not had time to check!) The 2 orange tabbies are loud, and I mean loud! They screamed the whole time at the shelter, and the whole time in the lobby waiting for the angels to be checked in. On the way home, they screamed and screamed until I couldn't stand it any longer, and I pulled off the road, and grabbed the premixed bottle I just picked up, cut an x in the nipple with a pair of scissors I happened to have in the car, and I fed them! Finally, a little peace!

My day and evening were so crazy, I haven't even given them names yet. I think if the grey one is a boy, I will name him Bosley, in keeping with the Angel's theme. Maybe if the other 2 are girls, I will have a Kelly and a Jill.

The quiet one of the bunch
Everyone checked out OK, and all 6 have a vet appointment for tomorrow, just to make sure everything is A-OK. I need to get to bed. I have to get up 1:30 to feed 'em again! I hope they don't wake up the whole house. The crying is making Bentley crazy.

Alex wasted no time finding the "bucket"