They are 7 weeks and 2 days old today! It's rare to know the exact date of birth, but these guys were born in the shelter, so we know the exact date. I think I am going to supply some of my photos for a local cat non-profit, showing the development from 1 day old to 8 weeks old, so people that find feral kittens will have an idea exactly how old they are. I will post some of the 1 day pix and the 8 week pix when these guys hit that mark, and everyone can see the progress.

I caught the itty bitties during a quite time. How rare! Halicy is sleepy.

Sage climbs up onto my lap.

Kelsey looks good on a deep red background.

Hogan looks up when I enter, but makes no move to get up.

Dot doing her Dot thing. She has really gotten to be quite happy to be held...way more than the others.