Yes, the homies are outta here! Well, at least Kelsey, Hogan and Halicy are gone. Sage and Dot will be heading out tomorrow. Sage is still not to weight, but I am leaving town for the weekend, so back they go. Dot was only here to keep her company. She could have gone back on Monday with the rest of them.
Dot licks her chops after dinner.
Sage is on the prowl, watching out for Buck.
Buck springs out from under the bed in a sneak attack.
They have been enjoying themselves since the siblings went back. They cry to come out, so they have been spending time with free reign of the upstairs, running up and down the hall and hopping from chair, to table to desk in my office. They have been living it up, for sure. As I sit here now, I hear the pitter patter of elephant feet, running up and down the hall! I hope they can go on view for the weekend. I want them to be adopted asap.
Kelsey attacks the bell ball.
Then assumes her princess position.
Hogan contemplates the "Field Trip" I told him about. I left out the neuter part.
Halicy and Sage have one last smackdown before Halicy heads off to the shelter.
<Halicy makes her way through the maze of toys and panacure spots.