Diego has a drink.
The Cougars are doing great in the socialization process. The big boy Johnny Cougar is still the most shy, but does come over for attention when the rest of them climb up. The girls are sweet, and love to be held, and Johnny is happy to sit on my leg and be stroked.

Cougars play.
The Little un's are doing great. The only signs of URI I see in them is the occasional sneeze. No fever, and eating normally. I am giving them Lycine treats, and gel, to make sure they stay healthy.

Dora plays with the string toy.

Mowgli poses for a shot.

Johnny Cougar gets a close up.

Justine takes a swat at Mowgli.

Jessica watches from her perch.

Sport needs his face washed.

Dora goes "Catzilla"

The Little Un's hear Bentley under the door.