Buck thinks Boz needs his face cleaned.

Maybe a little dirt on his head...
Eating now seems to be the favorite past time of the little man. We moved the hassock from the living room chair over to the counter where we feed the cats, so he can get up and down easily by himself, and he spends a lot of time running and jumping up there when anyone goes by. He doesn't want to miss a chance to eat. It had made a difference too. 2 lbs, 5 1/2 oz. on Tuesday! Of course, now he has lost a few ounces with the vomiting, but we will get him back on track.

Bosley tries to fight off the bath!
Boz seemed to be feeling better too. He used to get on my desk, and curl up in the crook of my arm. Now he spends a little time scattering pens and paper around before he settles in for a nap. He was playing with a feather toy last night, and spent a little time chasing his tail, which was a lot of fun to watch. This morning he has been pretty subdued, but is now sitting between my arms as I type, purring.

Buck pursues Bosley to the top of the sofa for more cleaning.

Finally, Boz is all tuckered out from Bucks efforts.
He also seems to be fighting off a cold. His eyes have been a little runny, but not too bad. I think I will get him some L-lysine today to add to his food. That should help.