Reno has made a huge recovery, and is actually pretty close to weight! She is half the size of her sister Vegas, but what she lacks in stature, she makes up for in belly! Look at the size of that thing! And no, it's not worms. She has been wormed 3 times. That is what I call making up for lost time belly. Here you can see how much smaller she is than her sister Vegas.

We head out on Thursday for a week and a half at the beach, so a little break from kittens...although the shelter has a single little guy who is quite the spitfire, hissing and spitting at everyone. I had half a mind to bring him home, and take him with us to the beach! But is supposed to be a vacation, and with my luck, he would get sick the first day there. Maybe when we get back they will have more, but honestly, I hope not. It's pretty cold for kittens now, so I hope they are done for the season.
Joy begged me to let us keep Vegas. She is such a sweet girl, it was hard to say good bye. Reno too. It's always hard when one is really sick, and you invest so much time getting them well, only to send them off on their own. I am sure they will all land well. They are all great kittens, and well behaved, aside from that whole climbing up your leg thing!
Enjoy the last pix of the circus.


Vegas finds Bishop's favorite toy mouse

Vegas likes to suckle Bentley's bed.

This scenario does not look good for Colonel!

Sergeant looks like he is pinned.

Sergeant and Reno from the other side of the stair rail.

Reno feeling better...

She gets in on the smack down between Albany and Colonel.

Reno has a burst of energy.


More Major.

The Itty Bitty Kitty Mafia.

Major takes a leap.

Major practices a karate move on Sergeant.

The Godfather. Look at those cheeks!

Colonel sits still long enough to get a picture.

Colonel is not afraid a no stinkin' dog!

Colonel takes on Bentley.

You will respect my authority!

Colonel aint afraid a no big cat!

Colonel aint afraid of no lizard! (I am detecting a pattern here)

Albany checks out Bentley.