The itty bitties are chow hounds these days. They go through 3 cans of food a day now! Sierra might eat a little of it, but she likes the crunchies mostly, so they are splitting 3 cans between the 5 of them. They are growing fast. I can hear the elephants regularly now. They romp hard already, and it is only gonna get louder.

Dinner time at itty bitty central
Having a visitor tomorrow, so I will rush home to make sure the room is as clean and "fresh" as it can be. They do seem to be better at hitting the box now. I haven't seen anything on the floor today, and only one place yesterday. Hopefully, those days of missing are behind us.
Got some good play shots, I think. Sage is the first one to do the "Catzilla" to her sister. Haven't seen that since the 3 black kittens, Mia's 3. Makes me laugh. Unfortunately, they were too fast, and too close to get that shot.

Halicy takes advantage of a prone Kelsey.

Dot. Something a little scary about that face.

Hogan takes a quick bath.

Sage eyes the ball. The chair rungs seem to be a kitten favorite place to play.

Kelsey looks a little wild eyed.