I was worried again for Bosley, who just wasn't gaining weight. I was ready for another trip to the vet on Thursday, but decided to hold out a little longer, and sure enough, he started to gain weight. Hopefully this trend will continue!
I did move the screamers into the same room with the Angels. I was worried that the bigger kittens would be too rough with the little guys, but so far, they have been nothing but sweet with them.

Dylan plays with Bosley while the Screamers get a bath.

Alex and Sabrina lounge.
Today was a big day for the boys. They all got baths! Boy oh boy, did they need 'em! Bosley had dried up KMR all over his chin, being the sloppy eater he is. Shaggy went from fluffy to kinda stringy, and Scooby had "Oh wow, I can eat solid food" face. They were all 3 pretty nasty. Shaggy went first, as he just looked the worst. You know that look, when you have the flu, and you just stay in bed for a couple of days? Stringy bed head, just all around yucky? That's what Shaggy reminded me of.

Shaggy gets his clean on.

Shaggy, post bath. All poofy again.
Scooby wasn't so bad. He had food face, but not nearly as bad as some I have had in the past. But he had been "dripped" on too, so he needed a bath too. (They all 3 tend to get in my lap as I am feeding, and they get dripped on occasionally.)

Scooby goes next.
Bosley was a mess. The KMR drips had dried on his chin, and his neck. I tried to soak it as much as I could, but it was stubborn, and didn't want to wash out. After I dried him off a bit, I got the brush out and basically brushed it out. Took about 15 minutes! I am sure he felt much better after that was cleaned off. I think it was really irritating him.

Finally, Bosley's turn. De-crusting the chin.
Once they were clean and mostly dry, they all gathered on the bed with the heaters under it, and chilled out. They were all happily purring and playing, and Bosley crashed pretty quickly.

All the boys are clean, and hanging out with Alex.
Now my goal is to get them off the bottle completely. I am close. I think if I just mix the KMR with the canned food, it will be fine. Bosley is the hard case. He will eat the gruel, but he won't eat out of the bowl. I have to syringe it into his mouth. This shouldn't take too long, but the issue is keeping the Angels from lapping it all up before the Screamers have a chance to eat it!
I went to the shelter to see who from the Circus was still there, and Albany was the only one. I was a little worried because she was one of 5 torties, so I thought she might get lost in the forrest if you will. I looked on the site today, and there are 4 torties...but Albany is not listed! I assume she is adopted, but I will double check with my contact there to make sure.