While we were there, we checked on Ebony and Niles. Still as sweet as pie. I was happy when I saw Norton was gone...but now they tell me he wasn't adopted! He is in isolation, with possible ringworm! I was so upset! Poor little guy. I hope it turns out to be a mistake. He was 100% healthy when he left here, but I guess with the number of cats and dogs that go to the spay/neuter clinic, they can pick up stuff. Keep your fingers crossed that he gets better quick, and gets adopted!
I also see that Mama Gia is still there. She is very shy, so I need to send more traffic her way. She loves other cats, and even found a rub for Bentley when he came in to visit. She is a sweet girl, loves attention, but is just shy. I wish I knew someone with an older cat or dog that might want another low key cat. She is very calm and quiet, and although she doesn't like to be picked up, she does like to be stroked, and loves her ears scratched.